Customer Testimonials

Since 1977, millions of customers have completed our Program for Driver Improvement defensive driving course. This course has been offered online in Florida for a number of years, and drivers have had many positive things to say about it.

Florida's First Traffic School is a Florida company located in Winter Haven. We serve the entire state with quality courses such as Florida traffic school, the first time driver (drug and alcohol) course, 8-hour court ordered traffic school, ADI, and the mature driver course.

We look forward to serving your traffic safety needs.

Smiling customer who completed online BDI course
  • "My daughter took this course for a speeding ticket. She really didn't want to take a class, but I convinced her it was a good idea because of her insurance. She was surprised that it was actually pretty enjoyable and informative."
  • � Darren C.
  • "Thanks, I liked yours much better than the 'comedy' class I sat through a few years ago, which was totally boring and not funny."
  • � Corrina Y.
  • "I'm probably like a lot of drivers out there who think they know just about everything about driving. Fortunately, your course wasn't all about traffic rules. The information about attitude states was new to me and I am going to try to use it from now on."
  • � Louis A.
  • "Great course!"
  • � Stephanie P.
  • "This might not be the most fun way to spend 4 hours, but if you have to do traffic school, I would highly recommend this course over others I've taken."
  • � Todd U.
  • "We weren't sure if we needed a four hour or eight hour course for this ticket, but your staff asked the right questions and helped us get to the bottom of our situation. It's nice to actually be able to talk to someone on the phone who is knowledgeable instead of getting the 'runaround'."
  • � Bob J.
  • "Your price for the course was the selling point for me."
  • � Maria V.
  • "This was really a much better experience than I expected. You have a quality product here. Thanks for making traffic school easy!"
  • � Tiffany J.

Florida Traffic Ticket?

Why not dismiss the points from your ticket by signing up for our fast and convenient online Florida traffic school course. It's easy! Just click the green register button to begin.
